
I have made a variety of sprite and 2D animations, as well as 3D animation and Mocap

These three sprite animations were for my 2nd year project Wildforms, a 2.5D Pixel game about shapeshifting. They were made in photoshop with the gif making feature. Creating non-human walk cycles was new to me, and was interesting in how the techniques transfer over to any looping movement.

A simple hand drawn explosion animation
While is still choppy, the timings were correct, so that it looks like its quickly blooming, and slowly dissipating. If it were for an actual project and not just a study into animating non-solid shapes, I would have drawn far more in-between frames, to get it up to at least 24fps

This clip is from one of my personal projects, a multimedia web comic with a urban fantasy setting. This was one of my first times attempting to hand animate a human face turning naturally at different angles. It was interesting seeing how I would have to simplify down the original design of the character to be animated, while keeping her consistent with the rest of the art of the comic

This is a sprite animation I made based on the game OFF, while playing it I realised that there was not batting animation, and this would be very easy and simple to make and implement. I tried to make it with as little frames as possible while getting the feel of the swing. I also wanted it to be consistent with the original sprite

this was a study done for the Nackanas project, to use as reference for my rigging solution. While I didn't end up using this specific wing animation design, Instead giving her a 'wing-like' cloak, which is more consistent with the descriptions I was reading, this study still proved useful in figuring out the weight painting solutions, and how the feathers should be arranged to get a realistic look .